Executive Summary Purpose Lava Entertainment intends to produce, a full-length feature film adaptation of the award winning children’s book, Number the Stars… available for domestic and international theatrical distribution in the fall of 2011. Description Number the Stars is a PG Rated family film about two 10yr old girls, who are living in the same apartment building in Copenhagen, in 1943 during the Nazi occupation of Denmark. When the 7000 Jews living in that country were targeted and scheduled to be round up on the high holiday of Rosh Hashanah, the Danish people rebelled by secretly smuggling their Jewish friends and neighbors out of the country. Annemarie and her family are Christians, Ellen and her parents are Jewish. This movie follows the friendship of these beautiful young girls and the way their families worked together under extraordinary circumstances. This is a film about bravery, decency and the special national pride that comes from having done the right thing and knowing that you are living in a community where so many others are doing the right thing too. The Book Number the Stars enjoys a broad audience, having sold well over 10 million copies. It has been taught regularly in middle schools in the United States, since it won the prestigious Newbery Medal for Children’s Literature in 1990, and is on countless recommended reading lists throughout the country. Lois Lowry also won a Newbery Award for her book, The Giver, making her one of only a few writers to receive that distinguished honor more than once. The Production The movie will be filmed entirely in Denmark using primarily Danish Crew members. Preproduction is scheduled to take 8 weeks, followed by 10 weeks of principle photography. Lava Entertainment has identified Miso Film, a thriving Danish production company, to deliver most of the services and technical personnel for the production. The company intends to hire several prominent American actors and a few key crewmembers to work on location in Denmark.